Thursday 19 December 2013

Target Audience

Target audience is the step in my research process, as I will produce a horror teaser trailer I have to take into consideration who it will appeal to, who will watch my production?  There are particular films I looked at to confirm target audience as they were inspirations when thinking of my initial idea to create a horror teaser trailer.
These were:

  • The Strangers – Certificate 15
  • The Conjuring – Certificate 15 
  • Sinister – Certificate 15 

These films have a common denominator being they all have the same age certificate. This was beneficial for me as I fit this particular group so I was able to relate to this particular age group also I was able to question my friends and external sources within this category to help improve or even add to my idea for my horror teaser trailer.

From looking at these existing products I gathered that the target audience for my teaser trailer would suit between the ages of 15 – 20. Nonetheless I still recognise although this is the target audience I choose to pursue, not everyone within that age group will appreciate my teaser trailer. Since not everyone within this age range will correspond with a horror film as it won’t be their preference in film.

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