Friday 14 March 2014

Planning Re-shoot

These are my plans for the re-shoot, as I made quite a few mistakes the first time around I made a note of what changes needed to be made. This helped me when it came to actually filming, because I knew the direction I was heading in with the help of my second storyboard. Explicitly describing my casts costumes and the exact time for the shoot because last time I didn't expect it to get so dark outside so quickly, resulting in extra dark shots. So this time around I have to allow for more time in-order for me to have a longer time slot to film.

Teaser Trailer Re-shoot

My first attempt at making my teaser trailer wasn't so successful, although I had a storyboard to follow when shooting my footage. Once I uploaded the footage to final cut pro and actually put the videos in sequence, I come to realise their wasn't actually a story to follow, not an actual link between the videos for my audience to recognise my idea and essentially want to watch the movie I'm trying to promote. In order for my to fix this problem I believe I will have to re-shoot the whole thing, I will plan out better what i wish my teaser trailer to look like, also making a new storyboard is important as my initial storyboard isn't useful. Properly organising the next shoot is what will make it my most successful teaser trailer yet. 

First Teaser Trailer

This was my first attempt at editing my video footage for my coursework. Once I had put the footage in sequence, feedback from a specialist suggested I needed more footage for my teaser trailer in-order for my audience to understand the concept of my teaser trailer. 

Monday 3 March 2014


A problem occurred on the day I had arranged to film. One of the cast members was extremely late, so by the time we had reached the location (Shirley woods) it was too dark to film anything. Once I had everyone together we rescheduled for two days later. This was a more convenient time for everyone, also leaving me enough time to edit the footage I would film at this later date.

Friday 28 February 2014

Preparing To Film

My arrangements between me and my cast were made via text message this was useful, as problems could easily arise and this is a quick form of communication. Through text message I also let my cast members know where to meet, what time and the attire in which I wished them to attend in.  

Wednesday 26 February 2014

Production Company Logo Development

After positive feedback from fellow media students I made a decision to stick with this design as my production company logo. From looking at other companies such as paramount, working title and universal and other mass production company logos, I really liked paramount’s design purely because it doesn’t appear to be too complicated however very effective and this is what I aimed to achieve when making my very own logo. I have used Photoshop to help edit my design essentially all I want is the outcome of my logo to be at a professional standard.

Friday 7 February 2014

Film Production Companies - Influences.

Usually at the beginning of every film trailer you will see a production company’s logo. I will need to create my own design for my production company. The style of the logo doesn’t need to be complicated, however my symbol shouldn’t be too simple I want to my audience to recognise that I have actually put some effort into my design. I aim to create an effective production company logo with a great sense of style and powerful colours.

I have selected a few major productions companies to research their logo:

Some examples of Columbia Pictures are:
·         The Amazing Spider Man
·         Men In Black 3
·         Django Unchained

Examples of 20th Century Fox:

·         The League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen
·         The Day After Tomorrow
·         Babylon A.D
·         Life Of Pi

A few recognisable films from Paramount are:
·         Titanic
·         The Godfather
·         Iron Man 3
·         The Avengers

Films from Miramax:
·         Cinderella Man
·         Gone Baby Gone
·         The Boy In The Striped Pyjamas


Universal Films:
·         Jaws
·         The Mummy
·         The Wolf Man
·         Fast & Furious 6

Working Title Films:
·         Bridget Jones
·         Notting Hill
·         Love Actually

These are all examples of major production companies, some look very detailed and complicated, whereas others look very simple. So looking at a range of logos and the establishment they came from, I fell something in between will be achievable. I will use these company’s logos as part of my inspiration when I comes to making my own.